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Workout Wednesday Flexible Tabular Display

Are you a beginner user in Tableau? If you haven't heard of the Workout Wednesday website, I strongly urge you to check it out. You can learn a lot from the exercises in this site.

I recently came across the "Can you build a flexible tabular display?" for week 41 by Donna Coles. I followed all of the instructions in the step by step here. I used Segment instead of Region.

This challenge had a great number of tips listed below;

  • sheet swapping

  • editing the Default Properties format for Profit Ratio ( I used #,##0.0% ▲ ; #,##0.0%- ▼ )

  • hiding values

  • adding subtotals, grand totals

  • modifying totals view

  • Changing the grand total to an Average

  • Using separate Measure Legends

I decided to take this exercise a step further. I thought what if your client wanted to swap the table metrics and download the view as an excel?

I created the below parameter;

This parameter will give users the option to swap between Region, Ship Mode, Year and None which will just show the totals.

I had to create a calculated field for this parameter;

I placed this on my columns shelf so users can swap between these views. As you see in the print screens below, you can swap the metric of the columns.

Filtered by Region

Filtered by Year

I then thought, why have Segment on the columns shelf? Can I do this exercise with just Measure Names and the grand total in the front of the table?

The answer is you certainly can. I duplicated this sheet and then I removed Segment from the view. You can see this Tableau Public dashboard and swap the grand total versus the Segment views here.

I also added an Excel Download object to the dashboard to test the export of the views. Feel free to check it out!

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