Do you have a regular line chart in your dashboard? Here are some methods to take it to the next level!
If you want to watch a video about this instead of reading the steps, I made a YouTube video here!
I created a simple line chart using the Sample Superstore dataset.
I placed Order Date on the Columns shelf and changed it to Continuous Month format.
Then I placed Sales on the Rows shelf.
I went to the Format menu and selected Workbook to remove all of the gridlines, zero lines and axis rulers.
Then I went to the Analytics tab and added an Average Line to the worksheet. This is found in the Summarize section.
I then right-clicked on the Average line and selected Edit.
On the Edit Reference Line, Band, or Box pop-up menu I selected Custom from the Label drop-down. Then in the field that appears I typed AVG and a space. Then I inserted the Value from the > menu. (As shown below)
I then changed the Line to be a dotted line.
I then clicked OK.
The next thing I added was a Distribution Band. I thought it would be interesting to display the Standard Deviation.
Under Custom on the Analytics tab, I dragged Distribution Band to the worksheet on Table.
On the Edit Reference Line, Band or Box pop-up menu I selected Standard Deviation as the option for this band. I left the Factors as -1, 1.
I selected the Value for the Label.
I then selected a light grey for the Fill color.
I also unchecked the option to Show recalculated band for highlighted or selected data points.
I then clicked OK. This made the line chart appear as below;
I thought it would be interesting to make this a dual axis chart.
I then clicked on the SUM(Sales) on the Rows shelf and held my CTRL key down to duplicate this pill. I then placed it next to the other SUM(Sales) on the Rows shelf.
I selected Dual Axis from the drop-down on the second SUM(Sales) pill.
I also right-clicked on the secondary axis to synchronize it.
I then changed the second SUM(Sales) to be a Circle Mark type. I increased the size of the circles a little bit.
On the first Sum(Sales) marks card. I changed the color of the line to a grey.
The chart appeared as below;
But how would I call out the dots above and below the standard deviation? Here is a calculated field to use to place on Color of the second Sum(Sales) Marks card.
STD Color
IF SUM([Sales])<(WINDOW_AVG(SUM([Sales]))-
(WINDOW_STDEV(SUM([Sales])))*1) then 'Bad'
ELSEIF SUM([Sales])> (WINDOW_AVG(SUm([Sales]))+
(WINDOW_STDEV(SUM([Sales])))*1) then 'Good'
ELSE 'Expected'
This calculated field will color any of the ones above the band with a color for the label "Good". I changed this to a blue color.
All of the dots in the Standard Deviation Distribution band will be a separate color labeled "Expected". I changed this to grey.
Then any below the band will be labeled "Bad". I changed this color to red.
Now the only thing left to do it to remove the axis title for the bottom axis and abbreviate the month dates to "mmm yy"!