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Great Tableau Public Business Vizzes

I had a couple of users ask me about templates for business dashboards. I wanted to call out some great vizzes from Tableau Public. Tableau Public is a great place to try their software (it's free) and you can set up your own favorites. It is a great place for inspiration too!

Superstore Dashboard by Priya Padham

This one made Viz of the Day! Take a look at her other vizzes as she is very talented. She is a three times Tableau Ambassador and a Tableau Featured Author. I love the look of this dashboard as it is so visually clean. It also has download buttons and other views as icons on the left hand side navigation pane.

AWS Training and Certification Style Guide by Yvan Fornes

Yvan is a Tableau Visionary and three times ZenMaster! This dashboard has a couple of great views and is actually a template! Visit this dashboard if you need ideas on how to present KPI's.

Insurance Claims by Alice McKnight

Alice is a fellow Tableau Social Ambassador. Here is another very clean looking dashboard. I like the use of borders on the different worksheets. Normally I am not a fan of borders but she has opened my mind! I also like that she put her parameters in collapsible containers with a target icon.

Financial Dashboard | #RWFD by Varun Jain

Varun was a Tableau Public Featured Author 2022. He also has two dashboards featured in Viz of the Day. I like his dashboard as it is very visually clean. I think this is an great example of an accessible dashboard. I like his use of descriptions above his visuals. I also like that his filters are in collapsible containers.

HR Attrition Dashboard | VOTD | #IIBAwards'22 by Pradeep Kumar G

Pradeep is a Tableau Ambassador and an IronViz Finalist. His dashboards have been viz of the day ten times! He is also the 3rd Most Favorited Author on Tableau Public. I love the look of this dashboard! He has a minimal color palette. I like how this dashboard tells a story. I also like the use of the slider for attrition.

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